Insurance Coverage

Massage therapy is recognized under most private insurance plans. It is not covered by MPI, WCB or Manitoba Health.

We direct bill to Blue Cross and Canada Life, if your plan allows for the assignment of benefits.

We only direct bill to your primary insurance coverage.  For secondary coverage, we provide you with an invoice for you to submit on your own. We only coordinate benefits if it is the same insurance company as the primary plan.

For your first appointment you will need to bring your plan details as listed below. Without this information we will not be able to direct bill for you.

For Blue Cross – Certificate and Group   |   For Canada Life – Plan and ID

Maximum benefit per year
Percentage of treatment covered
Annual benefit reset date (ex. Jan-Dec, Jun 1-May 31)
Is a prescription or referral required? If so, we will require a copy for billing
Is there a deductible? If so, has it been satisfied?

* We reserve the right to refuse to direct bill if your plan details are complex